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General Rules Paradis Land





The rules below were established for your own safety and in your interest.

If you do not agree to follow the rules, you think you cannot obey them, or you consider them too restrictive, you have the option of not entering the Park.

  1. All participants must read these rules of the Adventure Park before they start the activity. Once entered in the Park, the client accepts all the points in this regulation. The person responsible for the child must have read and accepted these rules and must explain them to the underage participants.
  2. Taking into account the fact that the adventure activity in the park involves certain risks accepted by the participant, the participants are recommended to have insurance for accidents. PARADIS Land Park denies any liability in case of accidents if the participant has not obeyed the rules.
  3. The admission in PARADIS Land Park is allowed only during the advertised timetable. In order to be allowed into the Park, the children must be accompanied by an adult and supervised during the entire visit. The access on tracks is allowed only to the participants who have signed the agreement of Paradis Land Park.
  4. The Park is accessible to all persons starting with the age of 3 whose physical and mental skills allow the autonomous completion of the tracks. People over 120 kg are not allowed to go on the tracks. The maximum weight of the children on the white tracks is 40 kg.
  5. The participants are obliged to follow the instructions of the administrative personnel of the Park.
  6. The rental of the entire equipment that belongs to the Park is done only with an identity card, and their destruction or damaging will be paid by the person who rented them for various activities in the Park. The equipment must be used only in the way you have been instructed and it is not transferable. Exceeding the rental time will generate extra costs. You are obliged to return the equipment 30 minutes before closing time.
  7. The presence at the demonstration on equipment and games use carried out by our personnel is compulsory.
  8. The safety carbines must be used AT ALL TIMES.
  9. Aggressive physical and verbal behaviour towards other participants or the personnel of the Park is forbidden.
  10. It is forbidden to walk or stand under the games, the ziplines or the platforms. Please, use just the marked alleys of the park.
  11. It is forbidden to light a fire inside the Park.
  12. It is forbidden to enter Paradis Land Park with food or any type of drink, refrigerating boxes and/or any kind of weapon.
  13. The access on the green areas is forbidden anywhere on the premises of the PARADIS Land Park, except for the marked walking areas.
  14. It is forbidden to touch the electric wires or panels.
  15. It is mandatory to throw the garbage only in the special set up places.
  16. Smoking is allowed only in special signaled places.
  17. PARADIS Land Park denies liability for objects left unsupervised. Please use the lockers available to deposit personal objects.
  18. By reading the present regulations, the participants give their agreement regarding the possibility of being included in photos for display or marketing, or videos with the same purpose.
  19. It is strictly forbidden to introduce/use/abandon on the premises of PARADIS Land Park any sharp or breakable object that can cause injuries.
  20. It is forbidden to sell, promote, share samples, recruit or interview people inside PARADIS Land Park without the written permission of the representatives of PARADIS Land Park.
  21. It is forbidden to sell, buy, use or possess drugs or any illegal substances inside PARADIS Land Park.
  22. For physiological needs the exclusive use of the toilets is mandatory.
  23. Respect nature and the forest. Do not pick up plants or break brenches. Do not scrape the trees.
  24. It is strictly forbidden to destroy and/or damage any equipment, facilities or establishment inside PARADIS Land.
  25. The access with pets is allowed inside PARADIS Land provided that they are on leash and permanently supervised.
  26. It is forbidden: to film, to take photos, to make feature reports or interviews with a commercial purpose on the premises of PARADIS Land Park without the prior written permission of the manager.


  1. Admission on the adventure tracks can be done only with the agreement of the monitor!
  2. Avoid positioning the safety cable under your armpit!
  3. Do not roll the lanyard of the harness around your hand!
  4. Constantly supervise the lanyard of the harness in order not to roll or tie itself!
  5. Constantly supervise the safety carbines: for the lanyard not to roll, and the autoblocking connector to be permanently locked!
  6. When you do not need the pulley to complete a part of a track, it is mandatory to attach it to the harness! It is strictly forbidden to jump from the platform or over the safety cable!
  7. The guests of the adventure park can go on the adventure tracks on their own risk only after they went through the initiation track first.
  8. The guests have the obligation to obey the safety rules, especially to be permanently secured with the safety carbine cables (marked with YELLOW). The use of the two carbines is mandatory on all the tracks.
  9. On a section of the track (the area between two platforms) only one person is allowed, while on the platform a maximum of 3 persons are allowed to stand at the same time. The safety distance must be maintained at all times.
  10. For your own safety, check your equipment and the state of the safety gear at all times.
  11. It is forbidden to take part in the activities in PARADIS Land (tracks in trees, zipline, climbing boards) without proper footwear and the corresponding attire (no skirts or dresses). If you wear shorts or T-shirts, you risk bruising or injuring the uncovered skin areas.
  12. Wearing the safety helmet is mandatory on all tracks.
  13. Putting on the equipment and taking it off is done only by an authorized person from PARADIS Land Park.
  14. It is recommended to start with the lower level difficulty tracks.
  15. It is FORBIDDEN to leave the park after putting on the equipment.
  16. If you do not obey the rules presented during training by the personnel of the Park, you will be interrupted from any activity and you will immediately hand in the equipment without a refund.


  1. Before starting the zipline track, you are obliged to check that the track is clear (collision risk).
  2. At the arrival you must always have your legs forward.
  3. Do not ever touch the cable or the rope in order to apply the break. The hands are kept on the carbines at all times in order to be able to control the drift.
  4. It is not recommended to wear big jewellery, scarves or any other valuable objects. Long hair must be pulled up.
  5. Wearing the safety helmet is mandatory on all tracks.
  6. Before descending on the zipline tracks, check that the safety carbine is blocked and positioned on the saddle of the pulley. You can start the descent on the zipline if you have made sure that the track is clear.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to jump when starting the descent!
  8. When descending on the zipline track, you can hold the lanyard of the harness or the pulley saddle. It is strictly forbidden to fix the cable in front of the pulley!
  9. When descending on the zipline, the correct position of the body is leaning on the back with legs forward to avoid friction against the steel cable!
  10. When you do not need the pulley to complete a section of the track, it is mandatory to fix it on the harness! It is strictly forbidden to jump from the platform or over the safety cable!


  1. Exclude from the Park the participants that break the safety and discipline rules imposed, as well as the participants who display inappropriate behaviour that affects the normal performance of the activities, without the refund of admission fees.
  2. DENY admission into the Park to people under the influence of alcohol or hallucinogenic substances, and to those with a record of aggressive or inappropriate behaviour.
  3. To refuse the access on higher difficulty tracks to all people who are not in an appropriate physical or mental state. In this case the refund cannot be claimed.
  4. To stop the activities in case of unfavorable meteorological conditions (wind, storm, rain), without a refund if an hour of acitivity has passed.
  5. Limit free admission in the PARADIS Land Park during certain special events.
  6. Evacuate from the tracks the people that pause for too long on a platform or on a game. This means that you are on a track that exceeds your current physical and mental posibilities and you get in the way of the other participants.