The safety of users is of utmost importance in Paradis Land, that is why our safety equipment is modern and of the best quality.
Kitul Belay (without shock absorber) – the first type of belt based on CE certified ropes which can be connected together in a modular system that fulfills the specialized needs of every park. The core of this kit is represented by the Edelrid ring which allows the changing of the kit’s parts and components. This kit is also available with a shock absorber (6kN). The kit represents a profitable alternative for all saving devices. An extra detail is the texture of the straps fabric that ensures more stability of the position on the dynamic elements, thus offering the user more safety.
Radialis Comp is a classic harness with integral structure that is put on by the user like a pair of trousers. The two different colours of the straps separate the waste from the chest making the training for the use of the harness easier to understand. The harness is also available in sizes for children.
is a classic harness with integral structure that is put on by the user like a pair of trousers. The two different colours of the straps separate the waste from the chest making the training for the use of the harness easier to understand. The harness is also available in sizes for children.