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14 courses full of adrenaline and fun

Paradis Land invites you to sporting activities and relaxation in the middle of nature through the 14 tracks with gradual difficulty, devided according to the level of difficulty and the age group. Each track is symbolized by a specific colour in order to be easily identified by the participants.

WHITE track 1 – made up of 8 workshops with platforms situated at a maximum height of 1.20m, suitable for children 80-100cm tall.

·         Lego stair

·         Pirates’ deck

·         Horizontal stair

·         The Nepalese bridge

·         Rope swings

·         Cartridge belt

·         Barrel

·         Zipline

WHITE track 2 – made up of 9 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 2m, suitable for children 80-100cm tall.

·         Elastic strap

·         Mobile deck

·         The palm tree

·         Zipline

·         Crawlers

·         Swings

·         Chain bridge

·         Beam

·         Rope stair

GREY track (WONDERLAND) – made up of 11 workshops with platforms at a height of 2.5m, suitable for children minimum 110 cm tall.

·   “Rabbit’s fall”

·   The key hole

·   Changes in size

·   The field with charmed flowers

·   The wise caterpillar

·   The mad hatter’s tea and cups

·   Hats workshop

·   Mate on the chess board

·   The queen of hearts and her suite of cards

YELLOW track – made up of 12 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 3m, suitable for children and adults minimum 120cm tall.

·         10 workshops

·         Beam with obstacles

·         Rope with obstacles

·         Indian bridge with sails

·         Snake

·         Barrels

·         Rope swings

·         Alternative stair

·         Zipline

·         Helm

·         Zipline

ORANGE track – made up of 12 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 4m, suitable for children and adults minimum 120cm tall.

·         Nepalese bridge

·         Swings v

·         Mobile deck

·         Pirates’ deck

·         Surfing board

·         Balance rope

·         Liana

·         Net fence

·         Indian with pencils

·         Zipline

·         Zipline

·         Helicopter stair

ORANGE track 2 (NEVERLAND) made up of 12 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 4m, suitable for children and adults minimum 120cm tall.

GREEN track 1 – made up of 12 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 6m, suitable for children and adults minimum 140cm tall.

·         Swings

·         Log swings

·         Indian bridge with lianas

·         Climbing boards

·         Bucket with pulley

·         Indian bridge

·         Hop jump !

·         Horizontal stair

·         Zipline

·         Puntea piratilor cu liana

·         Zipline

GREEN track 2 – made up of 13 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 8m, suitable for children and adults minimum 140cm tall.

·         Climbing board

·         Pirates’ bridge

·         Circles with cables

·         Descending logs

·         Giant’s step

·         Net circles

·         Ascending swings

·         Scoops

·         Skateboard

·         Horizontal beam

·         Fractioned beam

·         Triangle tunnel

·         Zipline

GREEN track 3 made up of 13 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 8m, suitable for children and adults minimum 140cm tall.

BLUE track – made up of 11 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 9m, suitable for adults minimum 155cm tall.

·         Rocking board

·         Trapeze

·         Canopy swing

·         Indian x

·         Bicycle

·         Giants on rollerskates

·         Zipline with obstacles

·         Lateral rings

·         Snake

·         Rocking lateral boards

·         Zipline

INDIGO track – made up of 18 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 10m, suitable for adults minimum 155cm tall.

·         Indian bridge with knots

·         Disk swing

·         Seesaw

·        Fractioned stair

·         Lateral stairs

·         Board structure

·         Zipline

·         Beam/board

·         Rope trapeze

·         Big cable swings

·        Indian wooden bridge

·         Roll swing

·         Sailing ship

·         Fence

·         Zipline

·         Winding stair

·         Trapeze

·         Net

RED track – made up of 12 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 12m, suitable for adults minimum 160cm tall.

·         Combined molecules

·         Indian bridge with wooden logs

·         Flying coffinr

·         Helicopter stairs

·         Climbing board

·         Olympic rings

·         Pole swings

·         Alternative pirates’ deck

·         Rope stair

·         J short

·         Unequal swings

·         Zipline

·         Zipline

BLACK track – made up of 14 workshops with platforms at a maximum height of 12m, suitable for adults minimum 160cm tall.

·         Log swings

·         Liana

·         Rings with footboard

·         Helicopter stair

·         Surf

·         Footboard swings

·         Indian rope bridge

·         Ascending zipline

·         Indian bridge on rolls

·         Trapeze with rope

·         Vertical snake with rope

·         V-shaped Indian Bridge with wood

·         Pirates’ deck with obstacles

·         Zipline

Zipline track –  made up of 10 ziplines situated at a height of 10m