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The first adventure park at the Black Sea

The first adventure park on the Romanian seashore Paradis Land is the first brand in the South-East of Romania that sets itself to improve the adventure experience lived in such a park. Under the slogan “sea & adventure”, Paradis Land is the perfect place to spend your free time surrounded by nature. The play upon words created in our slogan urges the adventurer to discover the great adventure that is hidden in our location. The new concept of adventure park was put into practice by two business men from the South-East of Romania, that is from Constanta. With an experience of over 20 years, the two associates set the grounds of the newest adventure park in Romania and the only one in the seaside area. Taking into account the adventure park term, Paradis Land concept wants to develop through its approach the new idea of spending your free time. While adding a number of games and activities to the tracks that make up an adventure park, we didn’t forget their educational side. We want to become a leader, both in adventure but also in spending free time in a clean, correct and healthy way. Through our programs, which we wish to develop together with our trust-worthy and experienced partners, we want to access cultural and social programs so that young people from underprivileged areas or with low income can access the park and its values.